I know i was wrong
and then all it was gone
In all that fights i loved u even more
But never showed u even once
So u never understood me
Amidst all that despair and glee
I know u loved me a bit
And u thought i was not ready for it
But i was always only after u
And u never knew
I was just pulling your legs wide
And u thought i was not on your side

I am sorry for everything
But u are not listening to anything
Now all u do is ignore
My heart weeping more and more
I wanted u and i want u as my own
But u have left me alone
Buried in the hands of despair
This heart will never repair
Blown away by the winds of change
Smithereened to specks of crap
Battered, mauled and charred
Are the dark and dank innards

Life has turned blue
And u have no clue
I took u for granted
Now i am not wanted
I paid a heavy price
Nothing but love would suffice
I was really very callous

To turn away from you
And now my life is caliginous
Without the same you
It was the greatest blunder i did
To ever let go of you

You are the one who reigns my heart
But everything has fallen apart
You are the elixir of my life
Without you, i dunno how will i survive
You are everything i dream of
Life without you is very tough
You are the one who made me know
How love begins to flow
You are the one responsible
For the beautiful memories ,i still hold on
You are the impeccable angel
I will go on loving forever

I miss u more than the deserts
Have needed the rain
I love u more than the skies
Have kissed the stars
I want u more than the blind
Have longed for sight
I pray for u more than the hapless
Have implored for a wonder
I cherish for u more than the childless
Have craved for a baby
I will love u as in earth or heaven alike
For i love u more than my life

The tears are scalding hot and wet
I try but cannot help it
But things can be set right
If u try to sense my plight
We can start and make a new beginning
I vow nothing can go wrong this time
I resolute to be a new man
To drain out all your pain
Never ever will i let you cry
Yours shall be the glee and forever joy
I beg to you for a second chance
And i will die to make your life the best it can be

The Unexpected

Its not for the first time
Happening over and over again
The silent echoes of the heart
Of the inmutable cries of pain
Of harrowing unbelongingness
Of irrefutable strings of detachment
Of the growing rage of unwantedness
Of the pinching growth of nonchalance
Of the appaling act of hoodwinking
Of the unforgettable acts of oblivion
Of the loathes of solitude
Why does it happen to me ??

Again and again it happens
like a thunder in the sky
like an avalanche in the hills
like a tempest in the sea
like a fire in the woods
like a storm in the desert
like a sword through the heart
like a chill in the spine
like a needle in the eye
like a stab in the back
like a thorn in the neck
why does it happen to me??

It refuses to cease
My heart unapologetically crashes
With all the irrevocable desires
of the enchanted face
of the glowing eyes
of the velvety hands
of the crawling hairs
of the purest heart
of the soft caresses
of the warm cuddles
of the silent kiss
of the perfumed breath
why does it happen to me ??

Unknowingly its Life

The psychedelic prints of the isabelline ,heavily graffitied T-shirt in my wardrobe chokes me to the point of near death."LIFE IS UNCERTAIN"caption in melanic hues leaves me demented....and the grip is so takes a couple of minutes to regain my sanity..The bare realisation of those block letters quickly creates a maelstrom.....and i am almost lost...

A powerful magnate busy chalking out strategies for his next lucrative project incurs billions of dollars of losses all of a sudden; the loss so hard to sink in through him...a successful man in his mid –forties becomes jobless...or the most healthiest man in town dies a silent eerie death.....such stories of anomalies reminds us of the fiendish tricks played upon us in our short sojourn to eternity.

Life is indeed a box of chocolates; the flavours certainly distinct and petrifying every time.Needless to say our sixth sense is not that impeccable;so that we can always perceive what is in the offing for us.There is no irremeable law in this universe that designs our everyday life pattern.This is the mirabilia or rather you may call it the enigma of life.One can just anticipate in sheer ambiguity about the results of our myriad deeds ; but the truth can be a stark contrast to our beliefs and insatiable desires.The iridescent mien in which the things turn out often petrifies us.Sometimes we repose ourselves in a particular hope so confidently ; but the opposite happens leaving us shattered and doomed.The tides of time are so appaling ; it only leaves us crumpled in awe ,bewilderment and disbelief; the the pragmatic truth so hard to ingurgitate.

The axiom” change is the only constant in life” holds true for almost everything you put your foot upon; nothing is steady and consistent in this world.While some changes are a great welcome ; on the other hand some make our lives too hellish to survive.The metamorphosis from one state to the other is so maenadic it drives us into a state of cacaesthia. When we are full of zizz and unrestrained exhilaration; the next moments may turn out to be equivocally diabolic and sepulchral.

As the sands of time pass away we can only knuckle-headedly accept what is in store for us ; a mere submissal to the unexpectedness of the event; for we are only powerless creatures bestowed with an array of emotions tailor-made for every situation in life in this world full of surprises. When a work carried out with much verve and panache meets a discernible failure; we simply look out for answers dawdling in a pensive mood but in vain; we donot have any answers.Ludicrous it may seem though we cannot assure of anything in our life; hard to devour but its the irrevocable truth.

Life is so caliginous ; its an unfathomable cloud of events and we are the ignorant mortals; the caecity hurting us so severely. Life is not an open ventana , through which we can glance at each and every happening and take control over things.Life is heralded with vicissitudes; so hard to decipher and we cannot stake claim for any good or ugly incidents taking shape. We can never be certain about the outcomes of our karmas.

Nothing under the sky comes with an unflinching guarantee; we cannot live with any finality or surety.Everything is evanescent, be it the mellisonant tune of our life or the cafards in one’s lives.Nothing is macrobian; when the colors may change or the tables may turn up, no one knows.There is not a immaculate tenet governing our lives .Our life is not a scheduled book of events ; when to do, what to do and how to do.Life is replete with vagaries; sometimes the swings so heavily richocheting that we are befuddled and shell-shocked.

We human beings are subtle figments in the hands of the Almighty ; who produces the cocktail of our life. Nothwithstanding the randomness in life we are always told to yed accomplishing our duties and responsibilities , unfazed by the results it churns out.

Designs of Destiny

As the December sun rose amidst the thick strands of clouds, bringing a splendid aura of warmth of and brightness. The sunlight, stretching through the breaks of shafts of clouds into the earth and simmering the grass. It was dawn in Mumbai, the commercial capital of India.
Somewhere in this city of jostling crowds and myriad opportunities to try your luck, Sana finally sat up with a sprang, before it dawned upon her that she had to get ready for a holiday sojourn to Dubai. It is one of most exotic locales for holidaying and shopping in the world.

She had a quick glance at the clock and to her utter shock and despair, it had struck a perfect “9”.Within minutes she was down from her four poster bed, and lurched around to get ready; putting things in order which she managed with much difficulty and hours of tiring efforts. Meanwhile in this process, she was feeling a sense of euphoria and ectasy gripping all over her….She had longed and waited for nearly six months to unwind herself: after putting in all her vigour and verve in the job she did; for a well deserved break and now finally the day had arrived.

Having arrived at the airport well in advance, she was now passing through the stringent security checks which continued for a hour. A frisson of delight waved through her ,with the snazzily dressed up women escorting her towards the aircraft.. She slowly clambered up the steps leading to the inside of the plane, embarking upon a journey ; pretty ignorant what future had in store for her….

“Fasten your seat belts firmly”, was the call from the crew members; the beautiful ladies draped in hues of white and red staging a demonstration. Finally , the heavy rolling sounds of the engine and whirring of the blades set off the plane, which temporarily muted the cacophony of voices and muffled noises of the passengers..Slowly but steadily the plane hovered up and up kissing soaring heights ,the city seemed so tiny now and everything appeared as miniature dots and figures.

The airline’s services had commenced .The airhostesses nearly a dozen of them moved in and out offering food and drinks; much to the delight of the passengers. Sana warmly beseeched for an apple juice along with sandwiches., she had forgot to have her lunch amongst all the flurry of activities she engaged in.Some of the passengers had visibly fallen asleep,while the other tuned in to their favorite music and a few of them engaged in ludicrous conversations. While on the other hand Sana,hunched in a corner seat was busy gleefully watching at the vast entrail of clouds and sipping the drink.

And then all of a sudden like a bolt from the blue; a group of hooded figures ,enormously built,tall and brawny with guns in their hands rose up They instantly took up their positions ,with some scurrying towards the cockpit while others bellowed at the top of their voices ,berating the airhosteses and stewards to kneel down.
The ambience earlier replete with joy and happiness was now filled with an undefinable air of gloom and despair.Terror struck the passengers who now sat huddled together,their faces were as white as sheet. Smiling ,gleaming faces had turned to grimaces of shock and helplessness.The stern baleful presence of the masked terrorists and their furtive glances made them further panicky and grief stricken. Sana slowly couching down reposed herself against the seat;the realization was hard to sink through her that the plane had been hijacked and she was a victim of the mid-air terror.She sat there watching the horror ,her buoyant spirits sank to an abysmal low with tears in her eyes.How happy had she been in the morning,but now everything had took a turn for the worst…

As the terrorists bobbed in and out of the cabin,the air was only filled with sounds of abuses being hurled at the passengers not to mention the warnings and death threats,amidst the squeals and shrieks of horror of the passengers.One of the hooded figures now stood rooted to the spot with his eyes fixed upon Sana…..Her eyes perfectly hazel-brown, long auburn hairs which curled down the shoulders,scarlet faced and now tears cascading down her small nose.
He went through a swirl of emotions and memories, with a feeling of sudden awe, exhilaration, numbness and grief with each state leading to the other …..he now moved inadvertently close to her to have a beter view of her, and torn apart between curiosity and disapproval he finally recognized her….His memory drifted back to the days when he and his sister would play together..How protective he had been of his sister then; when he would wrangle with others at the faintest trouble caused to his sister..

Her tear glistening eyes finally met with that of the hooded ,half hidden, half resenting figure of the lanky man standing close to her…..then her world tore apart,her vacuumed dank innards were now brimming with unknown gush of emotions..she felt so numb…she tried repulsing it,but it came back to her..her heart pounding fiercely in her bosom….and she exchanged a paroxym of grief blended with joy with the stranger….ironically who was her own brother Imtiaz; who had been painfully separated from her during their childhood. How excruciating the pain had been upon the separation of her brother! She had not ate for weeks, wept bitterly, almost demented and virtually dead without her brother..And even to this day she would frantically search the newspaper for any trace of him but in vain;but now after 10 years she finally had him in front of her as a terrorist and she did not know what to do……

He knew what to do now….and in a quavery tone spoke something that was only heard by Sana; done so surreptitiously that no one had noticed them.He skulked hastily towards the cockpit ,informing his group in the cabin. Wiping away the tears that sloped down his cheeks, he called over to their only colleague and gave a mighty blow with the shining knife and killed him. He now instructed the pilot to move them to a safer destination and also to inform the authorities about the hijack. Intrepid as he was, he killed his fellowmen one by one as he flounced towards the cabin with deftness ; a profession which he was forced due to pangs of poverty and with his strength and daredevilry had carved a niche for himself in the underworld…but now there was a revulsion inside him. With the help of the assistant pilot, he tugged the dead bodies into a corner with each perched precariously over the other.

As he entered back to the cabin the bunch of six hooded figures still worried him,and with an approving smile he signaled to the others that, everything was fine and soon they would be reaching their destination as planned.The grumpy, diabolic and impudent terrorists guffawed more loudly now, which petrified the passengers even more.In a shortwhile ,”the plane is going to land “ message over the microphone was loud and discernible to everyone ..Within several minutes the plane touched down,the terrorists leapt up in joy .One by one they moved in a line; shamelessly cheery to dismount and greet their head and be showered with rewards and accolades, with Imitiaz following them .To their utter dismay and bewilderment, they found that the airport had been besieged by black cat commandos and police personnels.Anger and fury rose inside them like a vomit but it was too late….Imtiaz fired a volley of shots and shoved them so hardly that they fell cascading down the stairs;the commandos overpowered them instantaneously..Imitiaz hied back to inform the flabbergasted passengers about their safety and the passengers rushed to alight down.
Amongst the crowd she stood still ….and he moved towards her and embraced her showering all the warmth and affection with his blood stained hands..which she was bereft of and yearned for over nearly decades…He crumpled down and was shoved off by the cops…a singular mirthless smile curled his lips…..And she stood frozen…..

The intricate fabric of life is indeed, woven by the seven sisters of “FATE”; as they say. Life is nothing but an interplay of fate and destiny in this real world of opportunities and impediments, the theory beyond the realms of man’s understanding. Ofcourse when we are met with failures we have a sudden temptation to name it as “destiny”, only to console ourselves . But then sometimes, at somepoint of our lives we come across situations which keep unraveling the enigmas of life, situations beyond our control where we can only gape in awe without any answers and compelled to accept the irrevocable truth.

Dance of the Demons

Truth is often stranger than fiction.Those colossal,diabolic and uncanny monsters straight out of horror flicks or the pages of comics certainly scare us out of our wits, and we keep watching,dreaming and enacting those bizarre characters for entertainment.

Ironically, we relishing those grotesque characters are infact surrounded by a huge legions of malevolent,baleful and debilitating demons in our real life.Well, life is not a sumptuous bowl of soup with dollops of happiness and ectasy poured over it and immaculately served.Behind those wide grins ,lies the irrefutable and unflinching truth of sufferings,miseries and indiscernible shrieks of pains.

On the topmost of this huge stack of elements of resentment; lies financial plight .In this world of burgeoning technological advancements; the most debated issue of financial crunch and economic slowdown haunt us severely;so much so that some of us are on the verge of bankruptcy.With the inevitable demon of poverty marching in our direction; we are only reduced to a growing rage of maledictions.The government’s intervention in the marketplace is merely fraudulent and skullduggery. It has no wealth of its own; to rob Peter and pay Paul trend continues. Needless to say the government’s callous attitude towards this is truly disparaging; they are unruffled by the people’s woes and prefer to remain mute spectators of agony and anguish.The anxious,curious faces turn to grimaces of shock and despair , when the newly-elected iridescent government leads them into another labyrinth of never ending web of pathos.

The murky tentacles of corruption are so vehemently tethered at all facets of the entire system; it becomes a Herculean task to overcome its firm, winding grip. Certainly our existence in a corruption free world is distinctly Utopian and we never dare to harbour such dreams. All we do is dance to the tunes of corruption ; for in case of mutiny we fear truncheons of retribution. Corruption doesnot exist by itself ; it is born from the most coveted human asset ; “ Power”. Power,if in the wrong grumpy hands ,wrecks our lives, destroys our hopes and shatters our dreams. The abuses of power are so flagrant in this society ; that we only gape in awe and knuckle-headedly give in to the machiavellian forces of power. Red tapism and opaqueness in bureaucracy are immaculate insignia of the abuses of power; money being pilfered out of government coffers into their own pockets and consequently not reaching the beneficiaries in full measure.

Injustice being another such mighty headed demon which has doomed our lives. Charles Dickens was justified in quoting the law as an ass in his magnum opus ; “ Oliver twist”. But what is more harrowing is that the lawyers are bigger asses, when they exhibit judicial bias or they abuse their wide discretionary powers that is accorded to them within the family court. Much to the chagrin of the people ; there is an absence of transparent fast track mechanism to address their grievances. In some instances, the non chalant attitude of the judicial system has detrimental impact on serious issues. Nevertheless , the axiom “Justice delayed is justice denied “ always holds good. Absolutely there is intense skepticism about the manner in which the judicial system functions ; for it remains blindfolded to myriad matters and so one cannot rely upon it.

Relationship problems is indeed yet another cup of woes .Maintaining harmony and amicability in a relationship is truly a daunting task for many.Disputes with our colleagues or peers, a heated argument or reprimands from our boss or another fracas with our partner adds to our woes. Betrayals, Backstabbing and Hoodwinking sometimes leads us in to a state of dementia ; sometimes the wounds are so deep that it takes ages to get over them.Unhealthy relationships has been known to be a primary cause for mental turbulences.People are increasingly becoming distrustful nowadays.An undefinable air of distrust,dissent and despise hangs heavily over all our heads.At the heart of respect lies sensitivity and this loss of reverence and veneration is so obvious today. In the way we treat others, our expectations and views;often parochial , speaks volumes about the kind of isolated lives we are living.Jealousy ; the green-eyed monster and ego are so deeply embedded to our traits , that it really distorts our sense of perception.

Man,it seems has learnt nothing from the annals of history.The gory acts of violence and the unfortunate wars which caused loss of lives and economy still have not made any impact on the war mongers of these days.The belligerent echoes of the powerful nations bears testimony to the fact.Patriotism(read as chauvinism) has become an easy tool for the social and political agents of change who are hellbound on modulating the emotions of people ; shamelessly unfazed about the nemesis it results in. This is of course in addition to the menace created by the terrorists over the entire globe.The vicious fire of terrorism and insurgency has almost engulfed the entire globe in its sinister flames.
As if this wouldnot suffice; the religious fanatics in the nations have wreaked havoc.Religion of late has become a mere toy in the hands of these imbecile ,berserk elements of mayhem; the Babri Masjid tragedy, Godhra riots ,the racist attacks in Australia or the recent civil war in China ; the impeccable paragon of their nefarious deeds. The teachings on morals and virtues in religious books are far from visibility. Spreading hatred ,abhorrence ,repugnation being their only motives and they leave no stones unturned to incite the lay men in this; in an otherwise secular country.

Another demon which has raised its ugly head is the new trend of moralism being witnessed all over.Religion and Politics ; a deep camaraderie between them produces a lethal hegemony over morals.Those indulging in this ghastly process of moral conditioning have created an unfathomable cloud of illusion for the people in the society.These morals are nothing but subtle figments in the grumpy hands of those impudent,fiendish maniacs which they imbibe upon us for their own personal profits or personal fulfillment of their avarice, and satisfaction of their appalling whims.These moral manipulators christening themselves as dynamic ambassadors of goodwill and welfare ultimately create a paradox; they promote animosity and resentment.

Here comes the most dreadful monster. Notwithstanding the overwhelming success in the field of medical sciences, we still are afflicted with various diseases; which are even completely new to the medical fraternity, evolving every now and then. These along with its older siblings have left us emaciated and crippled our normal lives, sometimes spinning mournful tales of death; but then we may term it as divine intervention. Maintaining good health has been quite a sort of challenge for us.
62 years have cantered since independence ; yet do we still think, rationalize, behave and act like dwelling in an independent country free from all barriers( national, civil, political as well as mental) ??? Social ostracization of people suffering from AIDS ,leprosy and the like is indeed a matter of great ignominy! Even today the shameful dowry system prevails and superstitions rule our hearts.Boycotting of women from various forms of social groups and gender inequality issues sprout up everywhere.

So what are we waiting for ??? Either brandish your inner swords to behead these deadly demons or succumb to them.The choice lies within you; the harbingers of the future.

About Me

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I am currently doin btech;ECE.I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be productive, and to make sense and order out of the world of people and things outside of me. I own me, and therefore, I can engineer me.
"Live out of your imagination instead of out of your memory."