Unknowingly its Life

The psychedelic prints of the isabelline ,heavily graffitied T-shirt in my wardrobe chokes me to the point of near death."LIFE IS UNCERTAIN"caption in melanic hues leaves me demented....and the grip is so vehement...it takes a couple of minutes to regain my sanity..The bare realisation of those block letters quickly creates a maelstrom.....and i am almost lost...

A powerful magnate busy chalking out strategies for his next lucrative project incurs billions of dollars of losses all of a sudden; the loss so hard to sink in through him...a successful man in his mid –forties becomes jobless...or the most healthiest man in town dies a silent eerie death.....such stories of anomalies reminds us of the fiendish tricks played upon us in our short sojourn to eternity.

Life is indeed a box of chocolates; the flavours certainly distinct and petrifying every time.Needless to say our sixth sense is not that impeccable;so that we can always perceive what is in the offing for us.There is no irremeable law in this universe that designs our everyday life pattern.This is the mirabilia or rather you may call it the enigma of life.One can just anticipate in sheer ambiguity about the results of our myriad deeds ; but the truth can be a stark contrast to our beliefs and insatiable desires.The iridescent mien in which the things turn out often petrifies us.Sometimes we repose ourselves in a particular hope so confidently ; but the opposite happens leaving us shattered and doomed.The tides of time are so appaling ; it only leaves us crumpled in awe ,bewilderment and disbelief; the the pragmatic truth so hard to ingurgitate.

The axiom” change is the only constant in life” holds true for almost everything you put your foot upon; nothing is steady and consistent in this world.While some changes are a great welcome ; on the other hand some make our lives too hellish to survive.The metamorphosis from one state to the other is so maenadic it drives us into a state of cacaesthia. When we are full of zizz and unrestrained exhilaration; the next moments may turn out to be equivocally diabolic and sepulchral.

As the sands of time pass away we can only knuckle-headedly accept what is in store for us ; a mere submissal to the unexpectedness of the event; for we are only powerless creatures bestowed with an array of emotions tailor-made for every situation in life in this world full of surprises. When a work carried out with much verve and panache meets a discernible failure; we simply look out for answers dawdling in a pensive mood but in vain; we donot have any answers.Ludicrous it may seem though we cannot assure of anything in our life; hard to devour but its the irrevocable truth.

Life is so caliginous ; its an unfathomable cloud of events and we are the ignorant mortals; the caecity hurting us so severely. Life is not an open ventana , through which we can glance at each and every happening and take control over things.Life is heralded with vicissitudes; so hard to decipher and we cannot stake claim for any good or ugly incidents taking shape. We can never be certain about the outcomes of our karmas.

Nothing under the sky comes with an unflinching guarantee; we cannot live with any finality or surety.Everything is evanescent, be it the mellisonant tune of our life or the cafards in one’s lives.Nothing is macrobian; when the colors may change or the tables may turn up, no one knows.There is not a immaculate tenet governing our lives .Our life is not a scheduled book of events ; when to do, what to do and how to do.Life is replete with vagaries; sometimes the swings so heavily richocheting that we are befuddled and shell-shocked.

We human beings are subtle figments in the hands of the Almighty ; who produces the cocktail of our life. Nothwithstanding the randomness in life we are always told to yed accomplishing our duties and responsibilities , unfazed by the results it churns out.

About Me

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I am currently doin btech;ECE.I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be productive, and to make sense and order out of the world of people and things outside of me. I own me, and therefore, I can engineer me.
"Live out of your imagination instead of out of your memory."