The present age trends of living are indeed a major blow to the dreams of our yesteryears heroes. As we flash back through the memories of the pre independence era, where the strong, adamant and determined Indian leaders fought their way through the Britishers and strived hard for putting up our country on the map of independent self governed nations. They endeavored day and night so selflessly harboring and chasing a single dream-that of an independent India. Gory battles were fought ,there was bloodshed everywhere ,thousands of Indians killed at the hands of relentless and diabolic British rulers. Still it did not deter the passionate and freedom hungry people from continuing their unmitigated and unintimidated mutiny for freedom. The bravery and unrivalled moral and physical courage which they manifested truly is something that no one in present times can ever match upto. All this they did was in the larger interest of the people of India and also due to a innate desire to unfetter India from the chains of suppression , poverty ,injustice and violence meted out to them. These heroes lived their lives on the edge with plethora of swords hanging loose over their heads all the time,they knew their lives was as transient as that of a burning candle; but still they wanted to fight with all their valour for a safer and prosperous future India.
What a shame indeed for our current generation !!! . People even donot have the time to pause and brood over where are they finally leading to .Ours is a now a country known for its riveting and sensational tales of scandals and scams rather than once which was known for it’s subtle preservation of rich cultural and traditional heritage. Politically we may have become independent ,but still we are captives of our insatiable, mediocre and sinister desires that often result in mayhem. For a country obsessed with getting greencards and US visas to having multiple Swiss bank accounts to engaging in do-anything-for-money antics ;surely it is a murder of the dreams of our legends. Is this what they had dreamt of ??? Our actions have inflicted a major blow to our hero’s dream of a prosperous India. Here prosperity doesnot only count the GDP’s and GNP’s but also the common man’s thinking, actions and way of living. It is sad to note that only we are growing richer by our pockets but poorer by our hearts. People are intoxicated by the never ending virulent cocktail of money and power (read notoriety).They are blinded by the lure of money. If somewhere the likes of Bhagat Singh might be witness to this current mess ; he would lamenting and crying out to Azad and Rajguru about the fact that who did they die for finally !!! Truly the times are so appalling and shameful. In India A stands for Amitabh ,B stands for Bollywood and C stands for Corruption. People are going gaga over their Bollywood actors ,but never would one hear words of accolade or appreciation for our true heroes for whom we are able to breathe air of freedom only polluted by us by our misdeeds .Compare our modern day political leaders with those of the pre-independent India and you would be drowned by shame ,embarrassment and disgust.
People are embarking on a callous and unethical pursuit of making quick bucks .There is nothing wrong about making loads of money and even splurging in the most extravagant fashion possible but what matters is the manner in which the money is earned,for it has to be earned in the most ethical, legal, respectable and justified way. The air is also replete with dissent ,hostility ,mistrust and animosity. I-donot-give-a-damn-about-you and I-donot-care are the only words one would get to hear from the filthy mouths of today’s generation. Maybe these are the mantras on which they wish to live their lives. Where is the integrity and brotherhood that was so prevalent during the times our people struggled for independence ?? People are so swooned by the lethal power of money that they have lost the purpose or meaning of their lives. It doesnot really matter the long strides that India has made in Science and Technology or bolstered up it’s economy ;when the people whether who are at the helms of affairs or the layman have lost the essence of living a more meaningful life. Appearances are deceptive as they say ; the modern day “babas” and “sadhus” are immaculate elements of paradoxes. Their lust for money will even surpass that of a layman!!. Those self –proclaimed Godmen preaching spirituality are actually emerging businesspersons of our country ; what a ludicrous way of earning money it is !!. They are even unfazed about an impending public ignominy. Our ethics and morals are all washed down the drains.

Surely our nation is nowhere on the path of progress and prosperity ;but indeed onto a murky world entrenched with a gateway to complete destruction of our souls. So instead of just pointing fingers at the people in the echelons of power ,the common people first themselves cleanse the dirty mess which they have created. And the people in power must also comprehend their position of responsibility .They should bring reforms and amendments to their own thinking, desires and deeds before they decide for our country. It should be more about contribution, responsibility and duties rather than just power and position. The common people as well as the political figures both must bring about a massive metamorphosis in their ideologies and corroborate each other in leading more fuller and enriching lives.


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I am currently doin btech;ECE.I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be productive, and to make sense and order out of the world of people and things outside of me. I own me, and therefore, I can engineer me.
"Live out of your imagination instead of out of your memory."